Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Mike Huckabee Candidate

This Writer still has no definite choice for the Republican nomination as of this date. But one thing I am sure as of this is not Mike Huckabee.

Gov. Huckabee's has proven to be a very good politician along the lines of Bill Clinton... possessing the speaking and debating skills of speaking and hiding their true feelings, beliefs and policies. They both have a great personalty that attracts the public and to hold their attention. Mr. Huckabee also has the rural country innocence that propelled Jimmy Carter to the presidency in 1976. Both Clinton and Carter were able to win their elections with no experience or accomplishment of matters that a president is confronted with each and everyday. The results of their presidency proved that the lack of that experience cost this country a big price that we and our children have yet to pay.

And now enter Mr. Huckabee, who political record is based upon tax increases and the liberal philosophy in other matters including illegal immigration. His position as a christian minister along with his speaking ability has to date kept his true policies covered within himself. However, all one has to do is review his record.... and it is clear that the Republican Party would be better off having him run as a candidate in the Democratic primary.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Mitt Romney Religion Address

Mr. Romney's address today contained a well drafted message describing his thoughts about religion - his personal views and how it would play a part in his administration. But more than the content of the message, his speech showed a candidate who met a problem with his campaign head on, showed a person with feeling and emotion and his positive view of a united America. What emerged is a picture of a leader, secure in his views and having the ability to communicate them to the American people.

Monday, November 26, 2007


I am the Stuttering Traditionalist! Welcome to my world...